Meetings, Congress News, Society News, Inside ESCRS, Glaucoma
MIGS Masterclass to Offer Grand Rounds and Wet Labs in Barcelona

Stuart Hales
Published: Thursday, August 1, 2024
After a successful debut in 2023, the ESCRS is again offering a masterclass in minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) in 2024.
The masterclass, led by Ziad Khoueir, will provide doctors with direct access to world-class mentors, opportunities to learn from online modules and webinars taught by leading faculty, and hands-on instruction through case grand rounds and wet labs.
The goal of the MIGS masterclass (as with all ESCRS masterclasses) is to improve practice patterns and clinical outcomes and significantly increase the number of patients treated. Up to 50 students will be able to participate in the following exclusive activities:
- mentor-guided didactic workshops;
- interactive live webinars;
- in-person case grand rounds at the ESCRS Annual Congress; and
- in-person wet labs at the Annual Congress.
Each participant who completes all of these components and passes the exam will receive a certificate of completion and a credit to apply to future ESCRS registration and membership fees. There is no cost to participate in the masterclass, although applicants must bear all travel costs.
The MIGS masterclass is targeted towards cataract surgeons who meet the following criteria:
- have practised ophthalmology for more than 5 years post-training;
- conduct at least 200 cataract surgeries per year (preferably have conducted >1,000 cataract surgeries as a primary surgeon);
- see glaucoma patients;
- have begun to implant MIGS devices or intend to start doing so immediately after this masterclass; and
- are based in a surgical facility where MIGS devices are available.
Participants are required to be present and participate in the live components of the masterclass.
Tags: ESCRS Annual Congress, Barcelona, meeting, ESCRS, MIGS, MIGS Masterclass
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