ESCRS - Become a Member

Become a Member

Why become a member?

Through joining ESCRS you can improve your clinical skills, stay up-to-date with developments in the field and have an active voice in the evolution of cataract and refractive surgery.

In this video Burkhard Dick, ESCRS Secretary and President Elect, looks at what the society is planning for ESCRS members in the coming year.

What are the benefits of ESCRS membership?

Well, aside from being part of a global community of professionals, your membership will also include:

  • Reduced Registration Fees

    For ESCRS Annual Congress and Winter Meetings.

  • ESCRS ON Demand

    An online library of presentations.

  • Subscriptions

    Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery & EuroTimes.

  • ESCRS iLearn

    CME accredited interactive courses.


    Registry of quality outcomes for cataract & refractive surgeries.


There are a number of membership options available to you, click below to find out more!

Become a Member More about ESCRS