ESCRS - Interactive Courses

Interactive Courses

Top 5 Pearls for Success with Preoperative Diagnostics and IOL Calculations to Avoid Refractive Surprise

In this IME eLearning course Dr. Basak Bostanci covers best practices for preoperative diagnostics and IOL calculations to prevent refractive error in cataract surgery. Upon completion of this course, you'll recognize the significance of optimizing ocular surface health, correcting astigmatism, and validating patient data for improved surgical outcomes. Furthermore, you'll gain insights into various IOL power calculation formulas, which should be selected based on the unique characteristics of each patient.

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Improving the Workflow, Improving the Outcomes

In this course, Prof. Filomena Ribeiro will discuss key elements and strategies for a smooth transition from traditional to digital workflow, review the effects of digital integration on surgeon ergonomics and workflow efficiency, and illustrate the impact of digital workflow on patient outcomes.

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Defining the Digital Operating Room

In this course, Dr. Kjell Gunnar Gundersen will review key aspects of the digital operating room, discuss the role of 3D visualization and telemedicine, and describe his experience with the digital operating room. 

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The Future of Refractive Surgery with Lenticule Extraction

In this course Drs. Rohit Shetty and Walter Sekundo discuss new and emerging lenticule laser platforms. Dr. Shetty provides a comprehensive overview on a novel lenticule procedure, covering the decision-making process and critical factors for a successful surgery, ultimately leading to enhanced visual outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Dr. Walter Sekundo details the journey of another notable lenticule extraction procedure from initially targeting myopia correction to adapting for hyperopia, with and without astigmatism. Dr. Sekundo emphasizes the challenges encountered and the progress made during this transformative process.

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Advancements in Refractive Surgery – Lenticule Extraction, Phakic IOLs and Beyond

In this course Dr. Victor Derhartunian provides a comprehensive overview of technological advancements in refractive surgery. Over the years, enhanced diagnostics have led to refined patient selection, mitigated complications and postoperative symptoms, and optimized overall visual outcomes. 

Dr. Roger Zaldivar shares the most recent data on modern phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs) for myopic patients, expounding upon pivotal preoperative measurements and surgical protocols to improve the overall outcomes for these patients.

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Myth or Fact?! Doctors shouldn’t be “selling” elective RIOL technology to patients

In this course Dr. Francesco Carones will review patient-specific variables to optimize patient communication, discuss the importance of informed consent, and demonstrate strategies to maximize patient satisfaction with a presbyopia correcting procedure.

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Keys to Matching Presbyopia Patients’ Needs with Advanced Technology IOLs

In this course Dr Gerd Auffarth will review optical designs of current and emerging intra ocular lens (IOL) technologies and discuss how to match them to patients' needs.

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Cataract Surgery in Patients with Complex Cases with the Veritas and the Stellaris Phacoemulsification Systems

This course by Dr. Ahmed Assaf and Dr. Blake Williamson will cover pearls in complex cataract cases using specific phacoemulsfication technologies.

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How to Establish Patient Informed Consent as a Baseline in the Practice

This course by Dr. Arthur Cummings will discuss key principles to understand patient informed consent.

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Cataract Surgery in Patients with Complex Cases with the Centurion and the Quatera 700 Phacoemulsification Systems

This course by Dr. Antoine P. Brézin and Dr. Amir Hamid will cover pearls in treating complex cataract cases using specific phacoemulsfication technologies.

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Importance of Achieving Functional Vision at All Distances in Presbyopia Correction

This course by Dr. Filomena Ribeiro will discuss key principles regarding functional vision and how it impacts patients.

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EDOF, ERV and Multifocal IOLs: Customizing IOL Selection for the Patient’s Individual Needs

This short course by Dr. Francesco Carones examines optical designs and indications for next-generation extended depth of focus IOLs, and hybrid multifocals.

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Everything is Perfect But…

This short course by Dr. Oliver Findl will discuss issues that can be a barrier to an otherwise successful presbyopia correction procedure.

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The Fundamentals of Phacoemulsification

This short course by Dr. Filomena Ribeiro will discuss key cataract surgery principles to understand peristatic and venturi fluidics.

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Astigmatism marking for the cataract patient

Toric IOLs are now widely used to correct astigmatism for patients undergoing cataract surgery.

A cylinder component within the toric IOL corrects the astigmatism, so that light focuses properly on the retina. To do this, the cylinder component in the IOL must be aligned specifically to counteract the astigmatism coming from the cornea. The angle of the astigmatism is marked on the cornea to help you do this.

Several methods have been developed for astigmatism marking. This activity will discuss some of the corneal marking methods available and the challenges that arise with them.

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Presbyopia Treatment with IOLs

Treating presbyopia is often considered the “holy grail” of anterior segment surgery.

While several approaches have been taken, there is no definitive treatment.

This activity will discuss the theory and development of multifocal lenses and the application of monovision for patients with presbyopia. Also, explored is some of the newer developments, and improvements in our knowledge, regarding multifocal IOL technology.

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