ESCRS - Cataract, age related Macular degeneration and Polarization perception: the “CaMPoL Study

Cataract, age related Macular degeneration and Polarization perception: the “CaMPoL Study

About CaMPoL

Summary: Macular disease is common in the age-range of patients undergoing cataract surgery and a well-known cause of sub-optimal post-operative visual results. This project presents a novel method for determining macular function that depends on the healthy eye’s ability to perceive polarized light using a prototype device (the macular polarization diagnostic: MPD) as a rapid simple diagnostic test for macular health. Aim is to determine if the MPD is clinically useful in determining macular function in the absence/presence of cataract/pseudophakia, and thereafter in (a) predicting post-operative visual outcome and (b) determining macular function in general will be investigated.

No further info currently available.

Project leader

Gary P. Misson


Amount awarded by ESCRS




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