ESCRS - VCRGS Vol XXXVII Issue 2, 2021: History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery ;

VCRGS Vol XXXVII Issue 2, 2021: History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery

Robert Osher , invites Dr Shachar Tauber to shares his favourite videos from the past year and provided a judges perspective on these award winning videos.
  1. Mission Impossible - MIGS for the Developing World (Drs. Gurudatha Pavan Kumar, Rengaraj Venkatesh & Swati Upadhyaya, India) - 02:15
  2. New Pupil Expander Used for Capsular Bag Support (Drs. Alan Crandall, Liliana Werner, Sneha Bontu, Sean Kennedy, Nick Mamalis, USA) - 11: 36
  3. In Despair – A True Story about Life with Keratoconus (Drs. Claudio Trindade,Bruno Trindade, & Marcelo Mesquita, Brazil) - 20:30
  4. Fluorescein: An ode to a humble stain...... (Drs. Devyani Gadre, Ramya Ravindran & Dhruv Worah, India) - 30:26
  5. Whiter Shade of Pale (Drs. Ronald YEOH & CHEE Soon-Phaik, Singapore) - 40:12
  6. 5-0 Prolene Belt-Loop Technique for Scleral Fixation of a Dislocated Intraocular Lens..... (Dr. Cathleen M. McCabe, USA) - 50:02
  7. Hydrogen Will Change the World of Ophthalmology......... (Drs. Hisaharu Suzuki, Tsutomu Igarashi, Hideaki Oharazawa, & Hiroshi Takahashi, Japan) - 1:00:00
  8. State of the Union (ASCRS Executive Director, Steve Speares) - 1:09:11


Thursday, August 5, 2021


Refractive Surgery, Video Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery>Vol XXXVII>Issue 1 - 2021


cxl, Laser Refractive Surgery, LASIK, Presbyopia, refractive cataract surgery, refractive surgery, Small aperture IOL, SMILE