ESCRS - VCRGS Vol XXXVII Issue 1, 2021: History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery ;

VCRGS Vol XXXVII Issue 1, 2021: History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery

Another fascinating review from VCRGS, as Robert Osher and George Waring introduce us to surgeons from around the world, who have found interesting solutions to refractive cases! History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery Guest Host: George Waring IV M.D.
  1. Introduction from George Waring IV M.D. 03:00
  2. Hyperopic Clear Lensectomy, Astigmatic Keratotomy with Phaco (Dr. Robert Osher, USA) - 04:34
  3. First Lasik Procedure Ever (Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris, Greece) - 10:44
  4. Lenticle Intrastromal Keratoplasty (LIKE) (Drs. Bogdan Spiru & Theo Seiler, Switzerland) - 16:39
  5. LIKE: Lasik and Intrastromal Keratoplasty (Dr. Francis W. Price Jr., USA) - 23:43
  6. Managing SMILE Complications (Dr. Ashvin Agarwal, India) - 33:00
  7. Laser Scleral Microporation (LSM) for Presbyopia (Dr. Robert Ang, Philippines) - 41:17
  8. Presbyopic Allogenic Refractive Lenticule (PEARL) (Dr. Soosan Jacob, India) - 49:09
  9. Excimer Laser Shaped Allograft Corneal Inlays for Presbyopia (Dr. Aylin Kilic, Turkey) - 56:45
  10. Photorefractive Intrastromal Crosslinking (PIXL) (Dr. John Kanellopoulos, Greece) - 1:02:19
  11. Pinhole Pupilloplasty for Highly Aberrated Corneas (Drs. Amar Agarwal & Athiya Agarwal, India) - 1:11:40
  12. Small Aperture IOL (Drs. Claudio Trindade, Bruno Trindade, & Fernando Trindade, Brazil) - 1:20:21
  13. Closing remarks from George Waring IV M.D. 1:29:07
  14. Closing remarks from Prof Robert H Osher, MD 1:30:05


Thursday, April 22, 2021


Refractive Surgery, Video Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery>Vol XXXVII>Issue 1 - 2021


cxl, Laser Refractive Surgery, LASIK, Presbyopia, refractive cataract surgery, refractive surgery, Small aperture IOL, SMILE