Emeritus head and chief of the department of ophthalmology of the
Antwerp University Hospital and University of Antwerp,
appointed as such at both institutions (2017-Current).
CEO of the P.E.D Tassignon company for medical expertise in
Ophthalmology (2017- current)
Coach educator at University Hospital VUBrussel (2023-current)
Coach at Infosan-Romania (2024-current
Treasurer Belgian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
President committee Fellow Eur. Board Ophthalmol. Exam on Cataract
and Refr. Surg (FEBOS-CR)
Immediate past president of Academia Ophthalmology Internationalis (Chair L)
Chair IV of the European Academy Ophthalmology
Past Chair program committee WOC 2020-2022
Chair Anterior Segment section of European Vision Institute Clinical
Trial-network (EVICR-net)
Member Education Committee ESCRS
Member advisory committee European Board of Ophthalmology
President Belgian Foundation for Research in Ophthalmology
President Belgian Society Prevention of Blindness
Co editor of Journal Cataract Refractive Surgery/ section review papers
Co editor of Ophthalmic Research/ section cataract