ESCRS - ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 17 - Podcast - Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results

ESCRS Eye JC Ep. 17 - Podcast - Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results

Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results

This is an audio recoding of Episode 17 of the ESCRS Online Journal Club, hosted by Basak Bostanci (Turkey) and and Imran Yusuf (UK)

Our experts were Volkan Hürmeriç and David O'Brart who discussed the following paper:

Changes in visual outcomes and ocular morphometrics after foldable myopic and toric intraocular lens implantation 5 year results. Jonker, Soraya M.R. MD1 et al.



Thursday, October 21, 2021


Eye JC: Online Journal Club


Cataract Surgery, Basic Science, Development of cataract, Complications of cataract surgery, Postoperative complications, secondary cataract, General, Visual optics